After the blockbuster success of ‘Hanuman,’ Teja Sajja is ready to embark on his next prestigious project. Under the direction of Kartik Ghattamaneni, known for Ravi Teja’s ‘Eagle,’ Teja Sajja will star in another pan-India film. His character is portrayed as a Super Yodha, and the movie’s title, “Mirai – The Super Yodha,” was recently unveiled alongside a glimpse video. In the first look poster, Teja Sajja stands with a serious expression, holding a stick in his hand. “Mirai” is described as a thriller adventure movie, inspired by King Ashoka and his secret 9, focusing on the nine scriptures capable of transforming a person into a deity. Across generations, nine Yodhas were chosen to safeguard these scriptures. In the present day, a formidable force threatens to seize the scriptures, prompting the rise of our Super Yodha to thwart their efforts.

Mirai first look

The glimpse of the film appears highly cinematic, with Teja Sajja delivering a remarkable performance as the superhero. Anticipation is high for the film’s release, with expectations of breaking records. “Mirai” is set to hit screens on April 18, 2025, in both 2D and 3D formats.

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