Telugu director Gopichand Mallineni is collaborating with big Bollywood actor Sunny Deol for his next and announcing the film with a working title as ‘SDGM‘. Recently, the makers of this film boarded another famous Bollywood actor Randeep Hooda. Again, the third Bollywood actor has been casted. Read more to know.
SDGM: Pan India film
The two big Telugu production houses ‘Mythri Movie Makers ‘ & ‘People Media Factory’ are accosiated to bankroll this film. Instead of saying it a Bollywood film or Telugu film, the makers marked it as a Pan India film.
SDGM: Third Bollywood Actor?
Already, the film boasts the two veteran Bollywood actors Sunny Deol and Randeep Hooda. However, the third Bollywood actor is going to join this multi starrer film. The production houses have officially confirmed that versatile actor Vineet Kumar Singh has been boarded for the ‘SDGM’.
SDGM: Other Costars
Till date, the film stars Saiyami Kher and Regina Cassandra for supporting roles. Currently, it is filming in full swing. Thaman S is composing the music for the film.
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